
Web Consultation, Development & Design

As a client centered and quality conscious company, we offer a wide spectrum of web services and solutions to help our clients meet their business needs on time and within cost-effective parameters.

We not only automate current business processes but gear them up for maximum robustness and scalability to address the demands of the future. Our expertise, hand-picked competent brains and the in-depth understanding of our clients' enterprise enable us to provide business-oriented web services and solutions that use proven technologies and methodologies.

Nearly fifteen years after we started, our diligence and accomplishments have earned us a solid reputation as one of the leading interactive companies and more importantly; gained the respect and trust of our clients and fellow developers.

We specialize in Web Development,  Animation, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet, Intranet and Extranet Technologies, Custom Logos for Company Branding and XHTML Programming. Whether you need a content management system, redesign or an entirely custom solution, our insight and experience will help your business reach its goals quickly and within budget.

Here at KEK Tech, we'll work with you to not only create an image that fits your business and captures the visitor's attention but we'll also focus our efforts on creating a website that addresses important criteria such as:

<< Project a professional image << Offer informative content

<< Include user-friendly navigation << Incorporate fast-loading graphics

We combine the latest and most innovative tools with marketing strategies to make your business surpass the competition. We create distinctive, custom websites and user experiences that not only build brand awareness, but also sell products and services with intuitive navigation tools. Visit our Portfolio and Clientele Webpages to view samples of our past projects and current clients.


KEK has the expertise to build, deploy and maintain a variety of scalable technology solutions for a variety of businesses. We develop systems and software that set aside your business to be dynamic and flexible in a way that allows you to compete in this highly competitive and high performance businesses world.

Software development for your business implements performance and future scalability which will implement a wide degree of competitiveness into your organization and companies’ future growth. We offer Technical Consultants with a wide degree of disciplines to match the needs of your company.

We have extensive experience designing, developing and implementing online applications and databases.

What is Web-Based Database Development?

It is the process of developing mechanisms for accessing and processing relational database management systems (like Access, MS SQL, Oracle and DB2) via the World Wide Web. On an elementary level, your database can:

<< Accept query from browser over the Internet / Intranet

<< Extract / Process data

<< Display results via browser over the Internet / Intranet

We can add to your site the interactive, dynamic, value-added processes it requires to deliver the services you want to deliver to your end-users. We do web-based database development: MS SQL, Access, Oracle, DB2, or any ODBC compliant database management system.

Our consultants have implemented hundreds of projects using these technologies, and can help your organization with any level of project involvement. We are frequently requested to design large enterprise architectures, solve performance problems and implement entire systems.